How To Video: Water Heater

Jul 10, 2018 | 1 min read


Here's what you need to know about your water heater:

- Be careful when using your water heater on LP as it will get hot due to the flame that heats the water. Keep this in mind to prevent burns
- If your trailer has been stored for a while, check and make sure that debris isn't caught up in the water heater
- The water heater works on electric and/or propane

Here's how to operate it:
- To turn your propane on just hit the water heater switch
- Wait 30-40 seconds for the igniter to work and the red light will go off which means you're in operating mode
- You will receive hot water 8-10 minutes after the propane is on
- To turn off the system, just flip the switch off

To learn more about your water heater, watch the video tutorial below.



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