10 Exercises You Can Do in Your RV That Don't Require Equipment Part II

May 12, 2021 | 8 min read


On Monday we brought you 10 Exercises You Can Do in Your RV That Don't Require Equipment. Today we're bringing you 10 more exercises, making a grand total of 20 exercises that are easy and accessible for those living in an RV. Just because you're on the road and have limited or no access to a gym, doesn't mean you have to put your health and wellness on the back burner. If you get a little creative, you have everything you could need to stay fit on the road right in (and around) your RV.

With no equipment necessary, your body weight is really all you need, you can tend to your health while indulging in the RV lifestyle. If you'd like to make these exercises a little more challenging, feel free to add weight in the form of dumbbells, water bottles, soup cans, or anything else you find in your RV. One thing is for sure, these exercises are bona fide with or without the added pounds. One of our favorite RVing couples, Steve and Julie Pirner, volunteered to demonstrate each individual exercise (some are with weights to showcase your options) so you know exactly how to do each movement. Check out the exercises below.



Start on the ground on all fours with arms extended and hands under your shoulders and knees aligned with your hips. Simultaneously extend your right arm and your left leg, keeping your head neutral. Hold for two seconds at the top and return to starting position. Repeat 10 times, then repeat with the left arm and right leg. This exercise will strengthen your entire body!



Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, right foot slightly forward and knees slightly bent. With your right hand in a fist, extend your arm forward at shoulder height the punch an imaginary weight bag. Repeat 10 times and then repeat with your left arm. This exercise will strengthen your abdominals, arms, shoulders, and back.



Lie on the ground on your back and raise your legs from the hips to a 45-degree angle. Keeping your toes pointed and abdominals engaged, slowly lower your right leg toward the floor. As you raise your right leg back to the starting position, lower your left leg toward the floor. Repeat the motion, alternating legs. This exercise will strengthen your lower abdominals, hips and thighs.



Lie on the ground on your left side with your left leg straight under your right leg. Support your head with your left hand. Raise your right leg up towards the ceiling and then lower back to starting position. Repeat 10 times on one side and then repeat on the other side. This exercise strengthens your hip flexors.



Lie on your stomach with arms and legs fully extended. Simultaneously raise arms and legs off the floor while keeping your neck neutral and engaging your core and back. Hold this position for two seconds and slowly lower arms and legs back to starting position. Repeat 10 times. This exercise will strengthen your lower back, shoulders, glutes, and hamstrings.



Lie on your back with legs up, knees bent at tabletop and arms extended up toward the ceiling. Simultaneously slowly extend your left leg and drop your right arm above your head, making sure your back stays flat on the ground. Bring left leg and right arm back to starting position. Repeat with the opposite arm and leg. This exercise will strengthen your abdominals and back.



Stand with your feet together keeping your core engaged. Step forward with your left foot and place the heel of your left foot against the toes of your right foot. Arms extended to the side at shoulder height for balance. You can also use a wall, counter or chair to help balance if needed. Your feet are in a straight line as if walking on a balance beam. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Repeat with your right foot forward. This exercise will help improve balance and stability.



Stand tall with a dumbbell, a water bottle or soup can in each hand. Slowly walk forward with arms at your side. Walk for 30 seconds and then repeat in the opposite direction. You may want to do this at your campsite instead of inside your RV! This exercise is a total body exercise but by using weight, you will strengthen your abdominals, back, glutes, and grip strength.



Stand tall with feet together arms extended to the side at shoulder height. Slowly lift your left leg off the floor so you are standing on your right foot. Use a wall, counter or chair for balance, if needed. Hold this position for 30 seconds or as long as you can. Repeat on the opposite side. This exercise will strengthen your legs and core while also helping with balance.



Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended to the front or side for balance. Use a wall, counter or chair for balance, if needed. Push up through the balls of your feet and raise your heel until you are on your toes. Slowly lower back to starting position. Repeat 10 times. This exercise will strengthen your calf muscles.

Do you workout on the road? We'd love to hear from you! Leave us a comment in the section below sharing your workout routine for a chance to be featured on our Experience Life Blog and Instagram.